ZENSHIN Association 



The organisation aims to promote the appeal of science and global activities by providing opportunities for students to independently challenge themselves and grow in science-related global activities, and to contribute to this aim, the organisation carries out the following activities.

(1) Production of robots and participation in competitions.

(2) Other activities necessary to achieve the objectives of the organisation.

   Corporate name

General Incorporated Association ZENSHIN

   Main office

〒113-0023 2-19-1 Mukougaoka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan

Inside Ikubunkan Institute of Education

   Broad Members

Hidemasa Ninomiya

Akira Ohara

Hugo Isozaki


Yoshio Kamakura (Head teacher of Ikubunkan Global High School)

   Founding members

Hidemasa Ninomiya

Akira Ohara

Hugo Isozaki

Shouichi Shimamura (Ikubunkan Global High School Teacher)

   Date of establishment




   Corporate identity number

   Financial institutions

Information of the Bank




ADDRESS: 10-2 Sugamo 2-chome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo

Account Holders Information


BENFICIARY'S NAME: General Incorporated Association ZENSHIN

BENEFICIARY'S ADDRESS : 2-19-1 Mukougaoka, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo

Why is the name ZENSHIN?

We name our association from the 4 origins.

”前進" (Pronounce Zenshin, Meaning Moving Forward)

”漸進”(Pronounce Zenshin, Meaning Moving step by step)

"全進”(Pronounce Zenshin, Meaning Moving with full speed)

"禅心”(Pronounce Zenshin, Meaning Mind of Zen)

Why is the main office a school?

Stable base is crucial for out team operate. A student's home address may require the main office to be relocated when the generation changes, and teachers may also have to change their roles in the future. Renting a separate office would require payment. This is difficult for organisations like us which is a non-profit organisation.

For a long time, the Ikubunkan Institute of Education has also run an entrepreneurship school, which educates students to become entrepreneurs; ZENSHIN is an organisation where students create and run their own activity space in line with the FRC's management policy.

Participation in the FRC is a valuable opportunity for students to gain a lot of knowledge and experience, not only in robot building, but also in languages, sponsorship, interaction with foreign teams during the competition, cooperation and analytical skills. However, it can be difficult to attend classes while participating in the competition.

Therefore, the Ikubunkan Institute of Education supports the activities of ZENSHIN General Incorporated Association with full backing, including the use of the Ikubunkan address, operational support, and follow-up classes.

Things students are running

Contents supported from Ikubunkan 

What support team is doing